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TV News ( TG3 )
3 marzo 2012
Mostra alla Triennale di Milano
“Made in Japan – L’Estetica del fare”

Radio Popolare

16 march 2012
Collective exhibition at the Triennale di Milano
“Made in Japan – L’Estetica del fare”


12 march 2012
Collective exhibition at the Triennale di Milano
“Made in Japan – L’Estetica del fare”

Rai Radio 1

12 march 2012
Collective exhibition at the Triennale di Milano
“Made in Japan – L’Estetica del fare”

Il Resto del Carlino

8 june 2012
One-man show at the Captain’s Hall,
Candelara (Pesaro)
“From Season to Season”

Il Giornale dell’Umbria

4 september 2011
One-man show at the Arconi of Consuls’ Palace,
“From Season to Season”

Il Giornale

11 gennaio 2010
Collective Exhibition at the Taccori Space, Milano
“Japan between realism and abstract”

Gazzettino di Belluno

31st July 2009
Opening Event at 9th Visual Art Festival in Belluno
“Lorenzago Aperta”

La Repubblica

9 marzo 2009
Collective Exhibition at the Arese Borromeo Palace,
Cesano Maderno (Milano)

“1,000 artists at the Palace”

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