3rd PRIZE “Avant-garde Artistic”
from “Art Diffusion Centre” of Palermo
Thuilier Gallery in Paris
PRIZE from the Jury “Tokyo Prize”
from “Art Diffusion Centre” of Palermo
at Hotel Lotti in Paris
Prize for Carrer
from “Gallery Town Centre” Association
Hotel Domus Fiorentiae in Firenza
GRAN PRIX “the Unity of Italy”
from “Dioscuri Academy” of Taranto
Barberini Palace in Roma
2th PRIZE “the Golden Plate”
from Cultural Association “Nautartis”
Pretorio Palace in Gubbio
PRIZE from the Jury “Commitment of Arts”
in the Competition “Commitment of Arts”
Civic Gallery G. Sciortino in Palermo
PRIZE “Human Rights – Salvo D’Acquisto”
from Cultural Association “Italia in Arte”
Piasiello Theatre in Lecce
PRIZE “Michelangelo’s David”
from Cultural Association “Italia in Arte”
Paisiello Theatre in Lecce
PRIZE “Santa Sara Academy”
from “Santa Sara Academy” of Alessandria
Sponsor’s PRIZE
in the Exhibition “Lights in the City”
from A.C.I. Gallery in Torino
in the Exhibition “Young Showcase”
Magma Museum in Roccamonfina (CE)
in the “1° Biennale d’Arte” in Lecce
Castle Carlo V in Lecce