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21 March 2022

Support of Ukrainian refugees

Takane.E.Office contributed for the Ukraine refugees in Moldova and Poland,
through the embassy and a social welfare corporation. I pray for the realization of peace as soon as possible.

29 August 2021

Dance in Japanese traditional style in Hyogo

I’m going to dance in Japanese traditional style in the show called ‘Hanahito-kai’, directed by Tsunahito Hanayagi.
My piece is about a bird in spring, at Nishinomiya Noh Theatre in Hyogo prefecture, on Sunday 29th August.

8 October 2020

Dance in Japanese traditional style in Osaka

I’m going to dance in ‘Hanayagi’ style a piece of Japanese traditional dance. The show is called ‘Hanahito-kai’,
directed by Tsunahito Hanayagi.  At the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka, on Sunday,  11th October.

1 May 2019

Passed the Chinese language exam HSK 4th

I’ve passed 4th grade HSK, the international Chinese language exam. 4th grade is considered
as upper intermediate level, corresponds to B2 in CEFR, allows fluent conversation about vast subjects.

8 October 2018

Success in the Japanese dance exam

It’s the exam to get a stage name as an expert dancer of Japanese traditional dance.
The exam consists of female and male both parts, and I’ve got the name ‘Hanayagi Ohmisei’.

21 March 2022

Support of Ukrainian refugees

Takane.E.Office contributed for the Ukraine refugees in Moldova and Poland,
through the embassy and a social welfare corporation. I pray for the realization of peace as soon as possible.

29 August 2021

Dance in Japanese traditional style in Hyogo

I’m going to dance in Japanese traditional style in the show called ‘Hanahito-kai’, directed by Tsunahito Hanayagi.
My piece is about a bird in spring, at Nishinomiya Noh Theatre in Hyogo prefecture, on Sunday 29th August.

8 October 2020

Dance in Japanese traditional style in Osaka

I’m going to dance in ‘Hanayagi’ style a piece of Japanese traditional dance. The show is called ‘Hanahito-kai’,
directed by Tsunahito Hanayagi.  At the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka, on Sunday,  11th October.

1 May 2019

Passed the Chinese language exam HSK 4th

I’ve passed 4th grade HSK, the international Chinese language exam. 4th grade is considered
as upper intermediate level, corresponds to B2 in CEFR, allows fluent conversation about vast subjects.

8 October 2018

Success in the Japanese dance exam

It’s the exam to get a stage name as an expert dancer of Japanese traditional dance.
The exam consists of female and male both parts, and I’ve got the name ‘Hanayagi Ohmisei’.

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